Let us be your guide
Tasmania offers the ultimate in trout fishing. The myriad of rivers and streams, lakes and tarns are an angler’s paradise. It’s a beautiful, unspoiled environment that attracts trout fishers from all around the world. Whatever your preference, still water, stream or private fishery, maximise your angling opportunities for wild brown trout by using a professional, accredited guide. We have built a family of Trout Guides, Lodges and Private Fisheries who are here to help you have an unforgettable trout fishing experience.
Trout Guides and Lodges Tasmania (Inc.) is an association that was formed in 1979 as the Tasmanian Professional Trout Fishing Guides Association, with the primary purpose of providing anglers with a source of guides and accommodation that will provide them with a safe, appropriate and professional service.
Over the ensuing three and a half decades, the Association has changed markedly expanding to include fishing lodges, yet our purpose has not.
Guides, Lodges & Private Fisheries
This website is designed to help you get in touch with our members – to find a fishing guide, to find accommodation, to choose a private fishery or to find other businesses associated with trout fishing in Tasmania. Follow the links below to meet our members and to decide who you may wish to contact to help you fulfil your trout fishing plans:

Rod and Fly
Mike Tenner operates Rod and Fly Tasmania and specialises in guiding and introductory fly fishing instruction.
Mike also has an online store offering a huge range of fly fishing gear and flies.

Currawong Lakes Tasmania
Nestled amongst native forest with views of pristine lakes, our accommodation brings you close to the beauty of Tasmania. With astonishing fly fishing on offer and a range of activities for the non-fisher, Currawong is special place that offers a truly unique Tasmanian experience.